About the Journal

JISHUM NUSANTARA:  Jurnal Inovasi Sosial Humaniora Nusantara a scientific publication that focuses on various aspects of the disciplines of law, social sciences, and humanities. Journals like this feature articles that contain empirical research, theoretical analysis, critical thinking, and an in-depth understanding of legal, social, cultural, and humanitarian issues. 

Journal Title : Jurnal Inovasi Sosial Humaniora Nusantara
Initials : JISHUM Nusantara
Frequency : March, June, September,December
E-ISSN : 3026-037X (3026037X/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/10/2023)
Editor in Chief : Dr. Bertaria Sohnata Hutauruk, S.Pd., M.Hum
DOI Prefix
Publisher : Yayasan Eduresearch Innovation Nusantara

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): JISHUM - AUGUST 2024
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